Sunday, July 24, 2016


I thought taking photos up close and personal was going to be easier than it actually was. I tried to get in close with my 50mm and that was a disaster. I switched to the 18-55mm and still couldn't get in as close as I wanted without the image getting out of focus but had much better success. Here are some of the shots!

I don't know what made me think to capture this but I was surprised of the amount of detail

Damn cat kept moving so most of the photos were blurred but I finally got her !!

1 comment:

  1. Your cat's yellow eyes are amazing... I like how you framed that one... The light on the spider web is great and the depth of field fall off on either side of the focal point increases interest in the shot... Photography is all about see the world around us more deeply then showing our discoveries to everyone else...
